Rental Property Owners,
Investors and Managers
Rely On Your Services

Are you wasting thousands of dollars each month for indiscriminate, blanketed marketing that isn’t directed toward your ideal customer base?


Advertise in CCRA News

Our full-color, monthly newsletter/magazine will give you the competitive edge, to reach your target market at a fraction of the cost of other local publications.

CCRA members receive digital versions of CCRA News and online access to the issue archive. As an advertiser, you will be added to our email distribution list for FREE monthly digital issues.

Place your order below, or contact Kris at to reserve your ad space today!


When you purchase/renew your CCRA news display advertising, with an ad size of 1/4 page or larger, you will receive FREE WEB ADVERTISING exposure on our “Business Associates” page.

(a $240 value. Offer excludes insert advertisers.)

Ready to place an ad?

Fill out our order form and advertising agreement below

*All rates are annual, unless otherwise noted.

CCRA News Advertising Agreement

PO Box 362, Vancouver WA 98666


  1. This agreement constitutes an order for 12 consecutive advertisements in the monthly Clark County Rental Association newsletter.
  2. Advertiser shall provide a copy of specified-size color ad.
  3. The current ad will repeat each month, but a change may be made, if the advertiser notifies us of the proposed modification the month prior, and provides the revised copy.
  4. Payment in full for the 12-issue contract year is required with the original order.

Company Name


First Name

Last Name

Phone Number


Street Address
Street Address Line 2



Zip Code


CCRA NEWS Advertising (Annual Pricing)

FULL PAGE AD ( 10.66"w x 14.22"h ) $ 1,060.00
HALF PAGE AD ( Vertical: 4.75" x 12.86" Horizontal 9.67"w x 6"h ) $ 710.00
1/3 PAGE AD ( 9.67"w x 4.75"h ) $ 520.00
QUARTER PAGE AD ( 4.75"w x 6.35"h ) $ 350.00
1/8 PAGE AD ( 4.68"w x 3.1"h ) $ 220.00
2-LINER ( Business Name & Phone# in the Advertisers Index) $ 77.00
SPONSORSHIP (Landlording 101 Event Sponsor) $ 250.00